Do you ever have “aha” moments while driving or deep thoughts on long road trips? Honestly, I do my best crying on long drives. 

Liz is a beautiful poet. 2 poems from Liz’s Compositions While Commuting will be shared weekly. Or Monthly. Or however often words fill her soul and pour onto the page. Art of every expression is not something we can force. But I’m so happy to feature her work while the inspiration is hot. Xoxo 

Instagram: @CompositionsWhileCommuting 


Wanting to still feel you

My bags are still packed because the contents were scattered upon your floor.

My clothes and blankets still unwashed because they smell like you, smell like us.

I’m wearing my shirt from yesterday because it reminds me of your hugs and how they are somehow woven in the fabric.

Silly things like the mud on my boots reminds me of our adventures.

While the physical photographs are few, the images imprinted in my mind, mean more than any iCloud storage could hold.

When I close my eyes, I see the complex patterns of yours in return.

These are the things that allow me to still feel you.


Pretty Pictures 

Pretty pictures and pretty lives living within pretty lies..

… but the lie becomes so real.

So I will live in the pretty picture so I can once again be able to feel.