*Insert a Classic Midwest Hello*

I’m Jackie, this is my shop. When I was 5 I wanted to be an artist when I grew up. Over the years it changed - Doctor, Accountant, Pro Softball Player… All very reasonable professions. I lost touch with art when I first joined the military, but somewhere along the way I found it again.
This is love for me. It’s joy, it’s giggles, it’s bold, it’s sweet, feminine, goofy, beautifully messy. Art helped me connect with other artists on this page. We’ve spent late nights coloring, doodling, connecting, and creating. (Highly recommend The Florida Man Coloring Book for cheap laughs.)
It makes me super happy to share what my friends and I have made. This is 5-year-old-Jackie’s dream come. I get to tell her… When you grow up, you’re going to be an Artist. And you’re going to make art with your friends. 
PS: This picture was taken by one of the featured artists and one of my best friends. Kim Roger’s Photography